Paper's abstract

Simone Goyard-Fabre, Did you say critical ? Anti-criticism and post-critical intuition
The sometimes passionate criticism that Michel Villey directs at "Moderns" is multifaceted and without compromise. The trial he puts to their rationalist obsession for anti-nature and lack of realism reaches at its climax in a fierce anti-criticism which makes Kant an "impossibility". But rather than recommending a "return to Ancients", Michel Villey let understand the potential of an unnamed post-critical intuition. His themes, barely thematised, constitute the informal prelude to the philosophical mutation our world is calling for. In this intuition rich of the fundamental metaphysical care for realism echoes the ardent appeal of the spiritual energy which illuminates an outlook full of hope.

Key Words : Anti-nature, irrealism, realism, hope, spiritual, Kant
t. 50, 2007 : p. 343-3562