Paper's abstract

Bertrand Saint-Sernin, Scientific inequality between nations
Since the beginnings of science, high-level education and research have been few and shared out diversely in geography. Now the limited diversification of our species as well as the equality principle the Christian anthropology works on lead us to assume that individual talents are equally shared over the world. Therefore where does the scientific inequality between nations (98% of research carried out by some thirty nations; 85 % led in a small group of seven or eight states)?
This inequality, no one cared for as long as science had no direct influence on everyday life, has since one century gained in importance because accessing elementary goods (drinking water, electricity, medical care, security, etc.) are ever more resting on sciences and technology.
What are the grounds of the inequality and how can it be cured? That is the subject of this paper.

Key Words : science, equality, anthropology
t. 51, 2008 : p. 5-14