Paper's abstract

Nikolaos Intzessiloglou, The Time-Space of the Legal System: from Systemic Spatio-temporality to Legal Spatio-temporality
The spatio-temporality of the legal system is here studied in its greatest complexity, in the heart of a field of relativity constituted by a pattern of relations between norms and isomorphic behaviours on the one hand and by the chance that a judgement loaded with authority will occur on the other. The adopted systemic process also includes the structural, functional, dialectic, organisational, semiotic and cybernetic approaches. Among the phenomenon and concepts correlatively studied in the heart of the time-space, we indicate: rise and duration, durability and modernity, the arrow of time and its direction, linearity and circularity of time as indicating it is open or closed, totality and creativity, finality and projectivity, relativity and uncertainty, order and disorder, variety and control, the dialectic of convergence and divergence, interpretation as harmonising act, change inside continuity, continuity inside change, morphostatic evolution and morphogenetic evolution, the forces serving preservation and those serving change, synchronisation of systems, etc. The synthetic, pattern-creating, descriptive and comprehensive virtue of this approach is proven through examples referring to the most various branches of legal activity, while its explanatory strength may expand itself in any particular case also by using empirical researches.

Key Words : time-space, systemic
t. 42, 1998, p. 285-341