Paper's abstract

Véronique Magnier, The Reception of American Law in the Internal Organization of Commercial Firms
After having been under the influence of the English, then the German and then the European law, is French corporate law today threatened by a reception of American law ? It is true that, under the pressure of American pension funds, the rules of corporate governance inspired by the American model (the model of the shareholder) are modifying the balance of power inside French firms. But there are too many differences between the two legal systems. This is the reason why this reception can only take original ways. From a formal point of view, it does not happen, as it was traditionally the case, from one State towards another State, but on the contrary pushes towards an alternative mode of economic and social regulation , from a substantial point of view, the reception only acts partially, the French model keeping its own peculiarities.

Key Words : influence, firm, reception
t. 45, 2001 : p. 213-225