Paper's abstract

Christina Chalanouli, Essay on a continuous uninterrupted constructive jurisprudence
Jurisprudence represents the basis and the summit of the legal system. In this paper, we intend to draw a continuous and evolutive sketch of the cerebral column of law by referring to Kant and Dworkin. These two philosophers have made true the claim that law is a whole constantly evolving but without interruption. Even if they seem far away in time as in thought, in fact there is a very strong link between them : legal truth. Thus Man will play a central role as member of humanity (Kant) and will become the partner (Dworkin)/full member (Kant) of the political society. The fundamental consistency and the uninterrupted evolution between present and past is illustrated there. Law contributes to the advent of justice, as idea ; that is a virtue which is at the basis of any political construction.

Key Words : Kant, Dworkin, autonomy, democracy, freedom, reason
tome 55, 2012: p. 369-405