Paper's abstract

Pier Paolo Ottonello, Political Law and Economy in Sciacca's Philosophy
In Sciacca's metaphysics, which inspired the author, the notion of "wholeness", that culminates in the integral being of man, leads to denounce gratuitous divisions as sources of "schizophrenia" inside law, politics and economy when one prefers methods, ways, facts and structures, aside from any horizon of truth, end, principle and substantial life, when one falls slowly into the formalism henceforth condemning an "unmanageable" matter: when the technical perversely rubs off the very conditions of democracy. Thus, the economical order of exchange has its own values, that serve as a basis to the cultural values of communication, but the latter are the foundations of the former and none of these values could free itself from the others by ignoring the limit, the measure they assign to it, the last measure being the "wholeness" of man. From there comes the dialectic of their relationship that one can find again in the pair richness-freedom in order to better contribute to the "actuation" of this wholeness, to prevent it from the dismantling of its unity and the retrogressions they entail at the level of social progress.

Key Words : political, economy, Sciacca
t. 37, 1992 : p. 131-141