Paper's abstract

Julien Cantegreil, Industry of Fashion and Digital
The global economic impact from the Internet, and more generally from the new technologies, is expected to reach between $ 10 and $ 20 trillion annually by 2025. It will transform the entire value chain of the fashion and luxury industry (i.e; its product, supply chain and distribution). The inevitable legal developments that flow from such growth poses certain problems worth consideration. The article argues that the context will depend essentially on both, whether the internet will become generative or not, and whether the fashion industry will find opportunity from the digital revolution. In this uncertain environment to come, as the article furter argues, the sharing economy, big data, 3D printing and customization will become the four strategic and legal issues to be faced by the Industry. Today, all options are open.

Key Words : fashion, luxury, big data, e-business
t. 56, 2013 : p. 153-175