Paper's abstract

Gaelle Demelemestre, The reception of the French Interpretation of the Theories of Natural Law in the Anglo-Saxon World
The works of the French exegetes about the tradition of natural law have been widely ignored by Anglo-Saxon scientists until a very recent date. However, since some twenty years, the growing tendency towards a juridification of the right of the person has led Anglo-Saxon lawyers to question their status, reality and meaning, questions that, until then, were not very significant in the common law tradition.
It is therefore not surprising to see the publication overseas of in-depth researches on some key concepts of the great French interpreters of legal thinking, in particular about Aquinas theory of classical right and the thesis according to which the occamian nominalism is the origin of the notion of subjective law. The present paper intends to show that the French mark has imprinted itself on these works, at the same time opening new angles that would never have been seen without the French and thereby nourishing a informed and stimulating critic of its major thesis.

Key Words : dominium, natural law
t. 58, 2015 : p. 393-428