Paper's abstract

Jérôme Dupré, From the law seized by AI to the law seizing AI, elements of reflection
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a notion conducive to fantasy. In practice, it refers to a technology that allows machines to do things that humans call intelligent. The relationship that artificial intelligence has with law is essentially two-fold. On the one hand we can treat, thanks to artificial intelligence, the law like a mathematical object, thus making it possible to quantify the judicial hazard. In this context, the machine does not monkey the reasoning of the judge but allows to better measure the possible outcomes and their probabilities, in the hope of favoring amicable solutions. On the other hand, artificial intelligence is an emerging field of law that lawyers must seize. Law is not helpless against the many challenges existing in this field, whether autonomous robotics or expert systems. Responsibility for things and responsibility for defective products are the two main avenues to explore. Judges will have to deal with these new topics in the coming years, filling some gaps in the law, which will evolve in turn

Key Words : AI quantitative justice accountability
t. 60, 2018: p. 103-116