Paper's abstract

Marie-Aimée Peyron, Law, Ethics and Justice
Three components govern our life in society and are likely to change the rule of law and the functioning of justice: law, morality and ethics. Is there a hierarchy between these three standards? What are the interferences between these constants that constitute the pillars of democracy, as well as of the rule of law and of justice? Therefore, there is the question of legality in the face of morals and ethics. Can an act be legal and unethical, morally wrong? Can an act be regarded as illegal when it might be seen as ethical, moral? Beyond this philosophical and societal reflection, it is legitimate to question judicial truth, its content and its possible contradictions ... It is also essential to remember that the ethics of lawyers is inscribed in a regulatory framework while drawing its purpose from ethics. We conclude that Law and Justice must take into consideration the ethical requirement. There can be no clash between law and ethics, since although they are independent, these two standards complement each other and allow society to evolve in a harmonized framework.

Key Words : deontoly ethics
t. 60, 2018: p. 323-326