Paper's abstract

Dominique de la Garanderie, Law, Person and Professional Ethics
Ethics is prior to law, it inspires, prolongs, but also retains its autonomy. Rule of Law and Democracy impose respect and trust in law and justice in which legal professionals participate. These status professions respect a professional ethic. Thus, the common imperatives of the magistrates and lawyers make it possible to understand the meaning of the deontological rules that are independence, the notion of conflict of interests, the impartiality, the integrity, the secrecy, the probity, the respect of others, the dignity, conscience ... In spite of the specificity of each profession, Ethics remains the compass of professional behavior in the interest of the Law and the Person in order to guarantee the liberties and the confidence that it must have in the institutions .

Key Words : person deontology
t. 60, 2018: p. 333-346