Paper's abstract

Dominique Terré, Aspects of Moral Thinking at the Beginning of the 21th Century
Moral philosophy, that was already represented and still is, by Paul Ricoeur's work is henceforth present in France too. Monique Canto-Sperber is the one who has contributed to introduce those discussions into French thinking, she has worked out her reflexion in L'inquiétude morale et la vie humaine. Without leaving the deontological and purely formal perspective of ethics, both philosophers point the necessity of rediscovering teleology and giving a true meaning to the notion of good or virtue. Besides, if we are not always able to find indisputable statements for ethics, it is however possible to get certain conclusions. In Le Sens de la justice and La Logique du respect Patrick Pharo takes care too to improve pure deontology with his reflexion about what he calls "politics of others justice".

Key Words : Moral, Ricoeur, Canto-Sperbern ethics, Pharo
t. 46, 2002 : p. 365-378