Paper's abstract

Frédéric Zenati, Immaterial and Things
The dematerialization of the law is linked to the evolution of economics. However they don't follow a parallel course due to the tribulations accompanying the elaboration of judicial representations. A good example is the subject matter of goods which began long ago to diverge from the physical reality but whose evolution towards timelessness has been hidden by the recurrence of corporalism. The notion that things are necessarily embodied is not Roman but romanist and modern idealism has not been able to depart from this tradition despite its propensity to abstraction. It's the arrival of the industrial society that, by the pervasion of appropriation it provoked, made unbearable this reservation and loosened the grip. By the paroxystic extension it gives in other respects to value, this society makes us discover the value has always been lying in law without our noticing it, revealing a structural kinship between law and immateriality.

Key Words : dematerialization, thing, corporalism
t. 43, 1999 : p. 79-95