Summary of 1991 'issue

Law and Science

Jean-Marc Ferry, Theoretical Reason and Practical Reason, 11-19

Valentin Petev, Legal Regulation of Science: German Perspectives, 21-29

H. Ph. Visser't Hooft, Technological Development and Responsibility towards Future Generations, 31-47

Alexandre Kiss, Law and Risk, 49-53

Bernard Edelman, Law, Real "Sciences" and "Pseudo" Sciences, 55-70

Jacques-Henri Robert, Biomedical Techniques confronted to Criminal Law, 71-84

Philippe Oliviero, The Notion of "Pre-embryo" in the politico-scientific Literature, 85-107

Marie-Angèle Hermitte, Science, Technology and Religions, 109-134

Anne Fagot-Largeault, Thoughts on the notion of Health-Related Quality of Life, 135-153

Isabelle de Lamberterie, Adapting Law to Technological Progress: the Example of Protecting Computer Programs, 155-163

Enrique P. Haba, Legal Sciences - which "Science"? Law as a science: a Question of Methods, 165-187


Quentin Skinner, Thomas Hobbes on the Proper Signification of Liberty, 191-215

Beat Sitter-Liver, Remarks on the founding of the "primary philosophy of politics", 217-226

Jean-Marc Trigeaud, Human Person and Law, 229-239

Stamatios Tzitzis, From Hellenic Justice to the Human Rights of the French Revolution, 241-252

Roberto Vernengo, Is Law a System?, 253-264

Hervé Rigot-Müller, Law and Madness: An Irresponsible Responsibility of the Insane in Civil Law, 265-286

Jaime Antuñez Aldunate, The Last Interview By Michel Villey, 289-301

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