Summary of 2014 'issue

Family in Mutation

René Sève, Introduction, 1-5


Nicole & Antoine Guédeney, The Theory of Attachment: A few Useful Notions for Decision Making in Family Law, 9-17

Valérie Lasserre, Refunding Family and Society through Genes, 19-35

Dominique Fenouillet, From the Myth of Fathering to the Myth of Will. Adoption, Reproduction and Kinship to the Test of the Omnipotence of the Subject, 37-71

Jean Hauser, Love and Freedom, A Contemporary Motto for Couples?, 73-80

Mélina Douchy-Oudot, Could divorce be merely a question of money?, 81-93

Dominique Fenouillet, Parentality, New Paradigm of the Contemporary Family, 95-122

Nadège Séverac, In France, There is no Child Abuse Anymore, 123-145

Edouard Durand, Principles and Stakes of Juvenile Justice, 147-157

Jean-Jacques Lemouland, Maintenance allowance: myth or reality?, 159-173

Cécile Pérès, Inheritances at the time of the new changes of the family, 173-197

Annick Batteur, The Family, an Ally or an Enemy for the Protected Adult?, 199-214

Aurélie Damet, Family links in pedagogical theories of classic Athens, 215-227

Léna Gannagé, Fundamental Rights and International Private Family Law: A Few Remarks on a Difficult Cohabitation, 229-247

Marie-Anne Frison-Roche, A Family According to Taste, 249-265

Assisted Human Reproduction

Dominique Fenouillet, Assisted Human Reproduction, Which Future Prospects? An Introduction, 269-283

Pierre Murat, Stake of social structures or logic of fundamental rights?, 285-300

Claire Neirinck, Assisted Human Reproduction. Legal point or medical issue? , 301-314

Stéphane Gerry-Vernières, Assisted Human reproduction – Future Prospects. Continuity or Break, 315-329

Hugues Fulchiron, Procreative Tourism, 331-347

Christophe Blanchard, Assisted Human reproduction – Criminal Law, 349-372

Jean Hauser, Assisted Human reproduction – A. Couple of Informal Thoughts, 373-378

Jean-Louis Renchon, Assisted Human reproduction – Belgian Law, 379-411

Laure de Saint-Pern, Assisted Human Reproduction. English Law, 413-424

Anne-Marie Leroyer, Allowing access to Assisted Human Reproduction, 425-443

Aude Mirkovic, Assisted Human Reproduction. Modalities of access, 445-463

Muriel Fabre-Magnan, An ethical surrogacy is impossible, 465-484

Catherine Labrusse-Riou, Concluding Words, 485-499

Miscellaneous Studies

Boris Barraud, A Tool to Measure Law? (2nd part: Application), 503-550

Luigi Delia, Between Domat and Beccaria: Muratori and the codification of case law, 551-562

Julien Rabachou, What are collective individual made of?, 563-576

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