Summary of 2012 'issue

Sciences of the Mind

Sébastien Tassy, A neuroscientific approach to moral reasoning: Towards a new cognitive model distinguishing judgment and choice of action, 3-18

Florian Cova, Natural foundations and origins of norms, 19-46

Swann et Patrik Pichon et Vuilleumier, The impact of affective states on the reactivity of the limbic system, 47-63

Vasco Correia, Irrationality (is) natural: How to reduce it? Cognitive illusions and epistemic strategies of control, 65-77

Joëlle Proust, Free Will : A Neurophilosophical Viewpoint, 79-95

Bernard Feltz, Neural Plasticity and Free Will , 97-120

Sébastien Bohler, What can psychology and neurosciences teach us about how the media shape public opinion: is there a need for a new regulation?, 121-143

Sarah Sauneron, What are the links between cognitive ageing, professional sphere and health prevention?, 145-160

Mar & Nouchka Meritat Blat & Wielhorski, Violent behavior in a closed environment : the case of perpetrators of domestic violence, 161-187

Alain Anquetil, Behavior in a company : social dilemmas and ethical climates, 189-206

Sonia Canselier, Non-Human Intelligence and Law : Remarks about Animal Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence, 207-229

Tom Regan, Of legal rights for animals, might the day come?, 231-246

Florence Burgat, Is the substantial coherence of animal law at risk ?, 247-268

Olivier Oullier, Deliberations in the court : judgments, decisions, bias and influences, 269-280

Reading Note

Catherine Puigelier, Les catégories juridiques et le Conseil constitutionnel de Régis Ponsard, 283-292

Miscellaneous Studies

Sandrine Pina, The dissensions in the Vienna School of Legal Theory : The controversy between Fritz Sander and Hans Kelsen, 295-307

Valérie Varnerot, The duty of competence of the postmodern lawyer, 309-344

Virgil Cristian Lenoir, Justice and the beam of plurality, 345-368

Christina Chalanouli, Essay on a continuous uninterrupted constructive jurisprudence, 369-405

Emmanuel Jeuland, On link and law, 407-432


Jacques Dagory, Association française pour la recherche en droit administratif, La Doctrine en droit administratif 435-439

Jacques Dagory, Association française pour l’histoire de la justice, Les Penseurs du Code civil 439-444

Catherine Puigelier, Matière et Mémoire de Henri Bergson, La première édition critique de Bergson 445-446

Gaétan Guerlin, Desmoulin-Canselier Sonia et Canselier Guillaume (dir.), Les Catégories ethno-raciales à l’ère des biotechnologies. Droit, sciences et médecine face à la diversité humaine 447-454

René Sève, Hans Kelsen, Qu’est-ce que la Justice ? suivi de Droit et Morale 454

Jacques Dagory, Xavier Martin, Retour sur un itinéraire : du Code Napoléon au siècle des Lumières 455-459

Catherine Puigelier, Stéphane Roux, Le Concept de « convention nationale » sous la Révolution. Contribution à l’étude de la représentation constituante 459-465

Jacques Dagory, Stamatios Tzitzis, Introduction à la philosophie du droit 465-470

Sciences of the Mind

René Sève, Sciences of the mind and public policies , vii-xvi

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