Summary of 2013 'issue

Multinational Companies

René Sève, Introduction vii-xii

Benoît Delaunay, Head Office Optimization, 3-14

Didier Martin, The Costs of Quotation, 15-53

Olivier Sivieude, International Tax Regulation , 55-56

Gauthier Blanluet, Tax optimization, 61-69

Christopher L. Baker, The Legal Order of the Multinational Company, 71-90

Marilène Marques, Towards a legal strategy of the organization holding companies? , 91-104

Charlotte Karila-Vaillant, La fonction juridique en entreprise , 105-121

Jean Gatty, An Odd Issue: the Remuneration of Corporate Executives , 123-130

Geneviève Helleringer, Conflicts of Interests within Multinational Companie, 131-151

Julien Cantegreil, Industrie de la mode et digital 153-175

Philippe Baumard, The regulation of counter-measures against cyber-warfare, 177-195

Maryvonne Lassalle-de Salins, Normes alimentaires mondiales, commerce international et entreprises agroalimentaires , 197-228

Michel Vivant, Company and Intellectual Property Between Local Requirements and Transborder Reality , 229-248

Hervé & Cécile Lado & Renouard, Is There a Curse of Raw Materials ? , 249-267

Virginie Lefebvre Dutilleul, Ethical standards , 269-293

Jean-Claude Najar, Social Responsibility of the Company, 295-319

Kevin Levillain, The emergence of new forms of companies: The example of the Flexible Purpose Corporation , 321-336

Jean-Philippe Robé, Multinational companies, carriers of a new constitutionalism , 337-361


Boris Barraud, A Tool to Measure Law? , 365-423

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