Summary of 2018 'issue

Predictive Justice

René Sève, Predictive justice. General Presentation, VII-XI

Sylvie Lebreton-Derrien, Introduction to a "Merely" Virtual Justice, 3-21

Evelyne Serverin, From Legal Computing to Predictive Justice Services, The Long Road of Public Access to Dematerialized Court Decisions, 23-47

Pascale Deumier, Predictive Justice and the Sources of Law: Substantive Jurisprudence, 49-66

Samuel Ferey, An Economic analysis of the law, big data and predictive justice, 67-81

Eloïse Kambrun-Favennec, The opening of public data: a prerequisite for predictive justice, 83-101

Jérôme Dupré, From the law seized by AI to the law seizing AI, elements of reflection, 103-116

Paolo Giambiasi, Perspectives Opened by the Public Availability of Court Decisions: what place and what regulation for predictive justice?, 117-123

Elise Mouriesse, What Transparency for Predictive Justice Algorithms? , 125-145

Eric Filiol, Risks concerning the use of so-called predictive algorithms in the sensitive field of justice, 147-152

Céline Béguin-Faynel, Judicial open data and personal data: pseudonymisation and risk of re-identification, 153-181

Tristan Allard, Protection of personal data designed to be disclosed: description of a minimalist attack on a pseudonymized dataset, 183-188

Edouard Rottier, Consequences of Predictive Justice on the Act of Judging, 189-193

Patricia Pomonti, Risks and Future of a Virtual Justice, 193-198

Philippe Bordachar, Predictive Justice and International Arbitration for Foreign Investment , 199-215

Bernard Stirn, First Thoughts on the Administrative Judge and Predictive Law, 217-221

Didier Cholet, Predictive Justice and the Fundamentals of the Civil Lawsuit, 223-236

Jean-Marie Brigant, The increased risks of predictive criminal justice, 237-251

Pierre-Luc Deziel, The Use of Personal Information in the Context of Predictive Justice: The Case of Actuarial Tools for Assessing the Risk of Re-offending, 253-269

Emmanuel Kestenare, Predictive Justice and Legal Protection: what Contribution to our Customer Relationship?, 271-278

Béatrice Bruguès-Reix, Predictive justice: a "tool" for legal professionals , 279-285

Louis Larret-Chahine, Isometric Law: a New Legal Paradigm Born out of Predictive Justice, 287-295

Magali Bouteille-Brigant, For a "transjuralism"? , 297-309

Valérie Lasserre, Predictive justice and transhumanism, 311-320

Law & Ethics

Marie-Aimée Peyron, Law, Ethics and Justice, 323-326

Eliette Abécassis, Law and Ethics, 327-331

Dominique de la Garanderie, Law, Person and Professional Ethics, 333-346

René Sève, Deontology and State Civil Service, 347-354

Frédérique Dreyfuss-Netter, Does the Judge Guarantee the Respect of Ethical Principles Relating to the Human Being?, 355-361

Marie-Anne Frison-Roche, To Protect Human Beings, the Ethical Imperative of the Legal Concept of Person, 363-378

Reading note

Hugues Rabault, The Issue of Constitution in relationship with globalization, 381-389

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