Summary of 2008 'issue


Jean Foyer, Opening statement, 3

Bertrand Saint-Sernin, Scientific inequality between nations, 5-14

Roland Drago, Equality and Freedom, 15-20

François Terré, Some Thoughts around an Unstable Couple: Equality and Equity, 21-27

Emmanuel Jeuland, Equality and legal links, 29-36

Catherine Puigelier, Freedom, Equality and Expressiveness, 37-56

Thierry Tuot, The equality principle as a source for secularism, 57-62

François-Charles Bernard, Equal access to public services, 63-75

Claude & Catherine Brenner & Puigelier, Equality and the Soul of the Division of Inheritance, 77-99

Emmanuel Piwnica, Equality before the French Cour de cassation, 101-117

Sophie Schiller, Equality and Company Law, 119-131

Christophe Mardière (de la), The Impossible Equality in Taxation, 133-139

Pierre-Yves Verkindt, Equality at the Risk of Diversity, 141-157

Christophe Willmann, Obtaining a Job: Between Discrimination and Equal Treatment, 159-177

Jacques Foyer, Equality and Private International Law, 179-193

Cyril Nourissat, Equality and European Community Law, 195-205

Elisabeth Zoller, Equal Protection Clause in the United States, 207-222

Peter Schuck, Managing Social Diversity, 223-136

Pierre-Yves Verkindt, Summary report, 237-240


Bruce Ackerman, The Evolution in the Fight against Terrorism, 243-251

Jonathan Frieman, About the Community of Human Rights Protection after September 11, 253-265

Amos & Elie Friedland, The Silent Citizen, 267-278


Jean-Louis Halpérin, Legal History and Legal Theory. An Essay of Conciliation, 281-296


Julien Cantegreil, Les âges de New Haven. Situation et devenir de la New Haven School of International Law 297-317


Cyril & Jimena Andino Sintez & Dorato, Dworkin's Hermeneutic Conception of Law. Another Paradigm, 319-340


Catherine Thibierge, At the Core of the Norm: Layout and Measure. For a Distinction between Norms and Legal Rules, 341-371


Bernard Bourgeois, Justice and Jurisprudence, 373-383


Florence Burgat, Being Someone Else's Property, 385-402

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